Stay up to date with the latest changes
We are constantly improving DepsHub. Here you can find the latest changes and updates.

New configuration options

New configuration options

Introduce new configuration options for the repository updates shedule.

  • New Added stability_delay option. Use this option to delay the update of a package by a specific number of days after the package is released.
  • New Added batching option. Use this option to open a single pull request with all the updates for a specific period.
  • New Added pr.weekly_limit and pr.concurrent_limit option. Use this option to limit the number of pull requests created per week and the number of pull requests created concurrently.
  • Improved Added auto option for the schedule parameter. This allows DepsHub to choose the best update schedule for the repository.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with filtering repositories on the Dashboard page.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with renaming the workspace for some users.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with scheduling multiple updates for a single repository.

Packages overview

Packages overview

Introduced the new Packages overview page. You can now review all the packages that you are using in your repositories. You can also see the latest version of the package and the version that you are using across all your repositories.

  • New Packages overview page. Lists all the packages that you are using in your repositories.
  • New Downloads chart on the package page. See the number of downloads for the package over the last 365 days.
  • New Make GitHub icon clickable on the repository page.
  • Improved Package page now shows the latest version of the package and the version that you are using across all your repositories.
  • Improved Every mention of a package in the repository is now a link to the package page.
  • Improved Improve the behavior of the Status tooltip. Now it triggers on hover for the entire row.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with sorting the licenses on the Licenses page.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue that was preventing the repository page from being opened if there are no supported files in the repository.

License management

License management

The new license management panel is now available! This panel is designed to help you manage licenses in your repositories and keep your projects compliant.

  • New License management panel. You can now review the licenses of the packages that you are using in your repositories.
  • New License alerts. You will now receive alerts when you are using packages with licenses that are not compatible with your project.
  • New Added a new licenses option in the depshub.yml file. You can now configure the licenses that you want to be notified about in your repositories.
  • Improved Default settings when not using a depshub.yml file.
  • Fixed Installing DepsHub App from the GitHub Marketplace now works as expected when a user is not an admin of the organization.

GitHub Marketplace

GitHub Marketplace

We are excited to announce that we are now available on the GitHub Marketplace. This means that you can now install DepsHub from the GitHub Marketplace and manage your security vulnerabilities directly from your GitHub repositories.

  • New Install DepsHub from the GitHub Marketplace.
  • New Manage your connected repositories directly from the GitHub Marketplace.
  • New Added import progress to the repositories importer.
  • Improved Repositories importer now works much faster and processes repository history in the background.
  • Fixed Importing repositories with a large number of commits no longer causes a timeout.

Vulnerability management panel

Vulnerability management panel

The new vulnerability management panel is now available! This panel is designed to help you manage vulnerabilities in your repositories and keep your projects secure.

  • New Review vulnerabilities and their details.
  • New Automatically upgrade vulnerable packages.
  • New New widget on the Dashboard to show the number of vulnerabilities in your repositories.
  • New Add a new notifications badge to the sidebar to notify you of new vulnerabilities.
  • Improved The vulnerabilities page now includes a filter to show only the vulnerabilities that are affecting your repositories.
  • Improved You can now configure the severity level of the vulnerabilities that you want to be notified about.
  • Improved Github Pull Requestss now include more details about the libraries that are being updated.
  • Fixed Updating multiple packages at once now works as expected.
  • Fixed Selecting a repository from the dropdown now works as expected.
  • Fixed Filter by date now works much faster.

New dependencies dashboard

New dependencies dashboard

We’ve just released a new version of the Dashboard. We’ve made a few changes to the layout and design to make it easier to use. Now you can quickly see the progress that your team is making to keep your repositories updated and secure.

It’s no longer behind a feature flag, so you can start using it right away.

We’re also including a couple of other changes in this release:

  • New A few new package managers (Cargo, pip, Docker, and more!) are now correctly identified and displayed for each repository. Full support for these package managers is coming soon.
  • Improved GitHub PRs. We’ve enhanced the way we display PRs from GitHub, making it easier to see which PRs are open and which are closed.
  • Fixed Repositories that don’t have a depshub.yaml file are now correctly using the default configuration.
  • Fixed Search box (on the repository page) is now working as expected.
  • Fixed Expanding the manifest file no longer deselects all the packages.

Early access is open


We’re excited to announce that we’ve made DepsHub available to everyone. You can now sign up for a free account and start using DepsHub to manage your dependencies.

We’ve also added a few new features to help you get started:

  • New Onboarding experience. Now you can quickly add your first project and get started with DepsHub.
  • Improved Workspace management. Now you can create and manage workspaces from the sidebar.
  • Improved The invitation flow. Now you can invite your team members to your workspace directly from the sidebar.
  • Fixed Sidebar would not update when switching between workspaces.
  • Fixed Empty repositories would not be displayed in the repository list.
  • Fixed Repository list not being updated when a repository was deleted.

Announcing the changelog


We’re excited to announce our public Changelog. This is the place where we’ll be posting updates about the project, including new features, bug fixes, and more.

Stay tuned for more updates!

DepsHub is available today
Join our Early Access program for free.
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