Packages overview is now live! 🎉

Dependency updates made easy.

Everything you need to keep your team secure and up-to-date with automatic dependency updates, license checks, and security vulnerability scanning.
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AI-powered engine
Update with confidence
We process library changelogs and release notes, analyze your codebase, and automatically update your dependencies, including any breaking changes.
diagram of how DepsHub works
Noise-free dependency management
Secure tools for effective dependency management, whether you have a team of 2 or 200.
Cross-repository overview
See all your dependencies in one place. No more digging through repositories.
License compliance
Avoid legal trouble by making sure your dependencies are licensed correctly.
Security alerts
Get notified when a dependency has a security vulnerability. Update your code only if it affects you.
Do more with less time
DepsHub helps you to save time by providing a simple and easy way to monitor and update your dependencies.
DepsHub Dependabot Renovate
Automatic version bump Check Icon Check Icon Check Icon
Configuration File Check Icon Check Icon Check Icon
Multiplatform support Check Icon Github Check Icon
AI Updates Check Icon - -
Changelog analysis Check Icon - -
Integrations Check Icon - -
Workspace overview Check Icon - -
Analytics Check Icon - -
Logs Check Icon - -
License control Check Icon - -
Smart scheduling Check Icon - -
Manifest files analysis Check Icon - -
Collaboration tools Check Icon - -
Works with your favorite technologies
We support a wide range of languages and frameworks. Use the one you love and get started in minutes.
javascript python go php java swift ruby docker c-sharp c-plus-plus
More coming soon.
statistics icon
Save days, not hours of work
Focus on writing code that matters. We will keep it secure and up to date.
Dependencies updated
Saved each week
Lines of code updated
Get more value from your tools
Connect your favorite tools and create tickets, be notified of new issues, and more.
Github integration
Works with public and private repositories. Automatically open Pull Requests, create issues, and more.
Gitlab integration
Connect your Gitlab repository to get automatic updates, create issues, and more.
Bitbucket integration
Connect your Bitbucket account to get automatic updates, create issues, and more.
Linear integration
Create tickets and automatically update them when new commits are pushed.
Jira integration
Create tickets and automatically update them when new commits are pushed.
Zapier integration
Connect your Zapier account to integrate with over 2000+ apps.
DepsHub is available today
Join our Early Access program for free.
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